I am so happy.Beautiful dress free for all.More of the Miley love.So this is all you have to do while supplies last.So hurry you guys.

1.You can use any of the three sites but i guess in my opinion the third who is the most safe.Never used the others so not sure but they all work.

2.type in this next stardoll.com/en/cinema in the proxy box they have above or below.

3.Log into your account when you reach the link..stay for about 5 seconds for it to send it to you the you may log out.

4.go to your original account and viola you got the beauty of a dress.

I wanna know if you need help or got it to.=]so let me know.

If you stay in france take a chance at the miley cyrus comp you may win never can determine.Have fun!


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