[No Banner Needed For This Post]I am so happy that i have one of my best friends on the blog now known as Rikki525.I have a feeling the blog is gonna be ten times the fun and 99.9 percent perfection and 1 percent hilarious at times.Now that i am not alone anymore i hope we will be having a few more comps,activities,and surely more posts to keep you updated on real life and things you just totally have to know that are happening on stardoll.So i hope you like the new banner that Rikki made it is so awesome in my opinion.Don't you think we could be sisters.Well,Anyways nothing really is going on today on stardoll as for cheats so i guess i can just chat more about what you can look for later on in the blog.So,As for cheats i am gonna try to update everyday on something that is actively happening on stardoll accordingly to dress-ups daily and new dolls to come your way.Spoilers also will often be given out so be on the alert but i don't wanna add anything that isn't bound to happen or that i don't trust or Rikki doesn't trust.But i do have a question for you guys what do you think about the Jordache collection because i has been continuously the same since the pass few months to a year??Do you think i is time for a change since Elle,Philosophy and more stardoll shops have changed over a point of time,or do you think Jordache will be leaving for good or working on a new collection for stardoll designs???Theirs a lot to question there isn't it???
Well,I will try to have one questionnaire everyday about stardoll and hopefully they come in handy in the future and maybe they may come true.If you have any thing you would like to add or know that i may not have posted.Feel Free to let me know.So hopefully,This Post from me Shundria1 was pretty interesting and that you become a follower and let your friends know about the blog.Check out two new banner creations and Advertisements by Rikki and I.Enjoy just haven some fun.
Two New Banners/Advertisements By:Rikki and ii Shundria/Ashlyn
New Banner Creation:Rikki525
What do you think??
Creation Advertisement-Shundria1 I know its crazy but i was bored but i think its better than none for now.Its Been Fun you guys cant wait until tomorrow with more questionnaires.Live.Life.Love.

By the way when i was searching threw spoilers i found a few items that seemed odd and had to add them to the blog for your thoughts.So as i said as i was searching i saw first a i cant go on drum which seemed odd because i said it would have been released before the Bastille day items.Which it never did.(Or at least i haven't seen it yet.)Then i started seeing numerous band instruments and then i thought well that's kinda odd because lately there has been many free band slam items and were these to come or were they letting you know if you are a fan of rock and roll banding then get to saving on stardollars and confirm those email addresses.(if you need one i can help you get started.)???So there are tons of items to actually question like why has stardoll been releasing the same items over and oer again after the seasons.Are they running out of ideas??They sure haven't ran out of money I'm sure.So i saw he bumblebee girl and i thought where have i seen this before?(Those the item ring a bell.)Are you excited to know whats to come?I also saw a few items that seemed kinda theater themed with movie cameras and more.So I'm kinda thinking they ran out of clothes but they finally got a few more items to come??But the mini shop really isn't any better i guess with the same releases so its hard to make a point isn't it.But the couch was one of my favorites.Its comfortable looking and relaxing.Plus,It doesn't have that glamorous life attitude like most items stardoll has added.But back to spoilers one of the last items i saw were the free band slam items but oddly Alyson Machalkas Mannequin was wearing a full Dkny collectors outfit coutoure to fit a queen.What do you make of that??Will all the high priced bids end and stardoll re release the items in a limited edition sale??I guess we will have to wait and see....Oh yeah i forgot to tell you tomorrow we will be having a glitch where we can now have a new color scheme and the lovely silk dress for only 1 dollar for both superstar and non-ss so hopefully you have those emails comfirmed and earn 5 dollars easy and maybe use some saved money too if you have a urge to buy more.bu i have a feeling this little glitch will las for a few days.Cant wait to see what you guys can come up with jus let me know if you think your design deserves to be posted.


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